
A series of sketches written by Pete Wells and directed by Robin Geradts-Gill. Some of the best with Julia Harari, Ryan Howes, Tom Furniss, and Robin Geradts-Gill. Subscribe to the rest on YouTube.

Christmas with Alexa


Pete often finds himself enjoying the company of technology.

Julia Harari


Julia is an accomplished performer, writer, and generally hilarious Australian comedian. Some of the best collaborations have come from her inspiration. Bumbling studio producers Helen and Steve are just some of the characters to come from her brain.

Ryan Howes



Sketch comedian and part of comedy group Seldom Differ. Ryan has his own podcast, edits hilarious videos, and is single.

Tom Furniss



Tom Furniss, New Zealand comedian and director stopped by to demonstrate how security guards are regular people too.

Just Another Panel Show


Need the occasional news update? Here’s a random news report, part of what could have been a comedy show if Covid hadn’t locked us down.